From 2003 until 2006 we produced a bi-monthly newsletter, copies of which are reproduced here:
Issue 1, October 2003
A roundup of our first year, and the introduction of Zen Ferret with his opinions on breeding.
Issue 2, December 2003
A report on the Christmas members’ show and a caption competition.
Issue 3, February 2004
First AGM and a report on the pet passport scheme and the efforts our our north-west Member of the European Parliament, Chris Davies, to have the law changed so as to include ferrets. Also the first appearance of one of my favourite features, Ferret Fun.
Issue 4, June 2004
Report on the effort to extend the pet passport scheme for ferrets to Portugal, FIN at the Mercia show, and more Ferret Fun.
Issue 5, September 2004
End of event year roundup and treasurer’s report.
Issue 6, February 2005
2004 in pictures, BBC report of a ferret causing havoc on a train in Derbyshire before stealing the driver’s lunch.
Issue 7, March 2005
AGM, microchipping, and ferret-friendly vets.
Issue 8, July 2005
Ferret Olympics, Ferret Fun:
“The Men’s group will meet at 6 pm. Steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread and dessert will be served for a nominal feel.”
Issue 10, January 2006
Reflection on the upcoming year, social evenings, and members’ show results.
Issue 11, August 2006
On the move again, Houdini Tara, urban legends and ferret myths.
Issue 12, November 2006
Justin’s wheels, ferret olympics results.